SUNPRO: Structure and function predictions of proteins from representative organisms

SUNPRO: Structure and function predictions of proteins from representative organisms


Protein structures and functions are essential for understanding all biological processes in living systems. Threedimensional protein structures, which provide the basis for protein functions, are determined by protein amino acid sequences. With the rapid progress of proteome sequencing, the experimental determination of protein structure and function lags well behind the demands of the biological and drug discovery communities. To fill this gap, SUNPRO provides structure and function predictions of tens of thousands of proteins from representative organisms that are commonly studied by researchers. It employs the state-of-the-art structure prediction algorithm TASSERVMT-lite to predict the structures of all sequences≤ 600 amino acids in size from 10 representative proteomes; and the accurate sequence or threading/structure based function prediction approaches EFICAz, DBD-Threader and FINDSITE for functional annotation and ligand virtual screening. Availability: Contact: skolnick@